Friday, January 15, 2010


Right, so here i am going about my normal day of trudging through idiots to find a glimpse of that elusive creature we lovingly refer to as "paycheck", and I get this pain in my ear. what, you ask, was hindering your sweetsweet silence of morning dew drops licking the inner feathers of chirping rat-pigeons oh mighty GLENN??


dudekay, I was just chillin outside and allofasudden these Mareeens are walkin towards me and disrupt my nature nirvana with
..."yeahman so I was just spankin it in my room and Staff Sergeant [whogivesafuck] inturupts me to announce chow time and tells me to change my grip for a better experience!!"

I'm like....Whiskey Tango Foxtrot???? can a guy get some silence without the constant thought of masturbation? jeez. I cant escape it at home and now I have to deal with it at work... from a different person?

weirdButsoanywaysyeah. wuts up with you? should you find yourself in a mood to start screaming, remember this: if your behind it, don't tell a donkey to "kick back" okay? he just might do it.

seriously, I intended that to be completely random but if you look at it, it translates to:
if your talking to someone that does something you don't want them to do... don't give them a reason to do it again!!

shit I need to write a book, huh?

Im well on my way to becoming an old wise man. yeah marinate on that. your bro is going to be an old warrior sage.... that preys on teenage schoolgirls and beats up idiots.

its only 10am and I'm already stressed. I think I am going to get wasted tonight by myself. again. i'm glad that we have a 3 day weekend. i will spend it in front of my tv and perhaps try to hash out some drawings.


Love you.

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