Tuesday, December 22, 2009


...i'm gonna go see AVATAR tonight. I'm all excited. I'm gonna bring some lube...



not a very merry christmas this year. i have a lot of complaints and a few happy things to hang on to and try to focus on. i saw avatar. it was impressive. i want to see it in 3d. its a good movie but the plot feels as if you've seen this movie before in a different, less awesome way. i think that is what will start killing movies off now-a-days cuz its hard to have an original, non predictable story and still maintain a certain fluidity and depth and not make it an overly random, weird european flick. that is why comic movies are now coming out cuz they've been around and are different in many ways. There's literally 75 years of writers constantly trying to be original and make their characters unique so hollywood has been tapping into that for the past 10 years. books are now gonna be the next resource to tap (harry potter, percy jones and the olympians, eragon, etc).

All said, I really enjoyed Avatar. the level of creativity is amazing and of course the graphics are mind blowing. I was actually more impressed with District 9's lighting effects and technology than with Avatar's. Dad would be all hyped cuz they have bows. I was all analyzing their techniques n stuff. I have better ideas on how indigenous peoples of an alien planet would hunt (using projectile weapons). Bows and Arrows are over used and no proper thought is given to origins and all that. So I am left with this feeling of, "I CAN DO BETTER!!" on many levels with plot, imagery, character design, and use of technology.

Just need a billionaire benefactor and I'll be all set.

Hope you have a great christmas.

Love you.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

random thought/today's lecture

I looked up intelligence and IQ tests.
the reason why i looked up the subject of intelligence is that it struck me as odd that one's intelligence could be tested by ... a test. sounds weird, I know. I was even thinking about an IQ test (i've never taken one before) and guessed how it would be performed. I am assuming that it would be pointless to ask the participant dates, times, names, etc on the academic test level. That doesn't test one's "intelligence". As a standard the average person, when asked, would say that intelligence: "is how much information a person knows". usually. But truly, that isn't how smart a person really is. actually there is no universally accepted definition of intelligence. ....kinda like no one definition for GOD. anyways, I supported my theory of how an intelligence test should be/should not be conducted. think of this: do you think an average student that has a driver's license, a high school diploma, and a low level accountant job.... is more intelligent than ..say... a same age person of a jungle tribe community that cannot drive, use a computer, and hasn't read a book in his/her life?

if you don't get my point from that example let me further elaborate:

imagine .....eh.... Albert Einstein .... born in said tribe. then imagine some average douche that you or I may know and teach them the "average" things of our modern life. does that mean albert is no longer more intelligent than some average "monkey" taught to use tools? furthermore, do you think that genius relies upon what was taught and not ones own true abilities? That doesn't mean that I think a "tribal albert einstein" could still come up with the theory of relativity, but I think if we were to grow up under the exact same conditions his intelligence would shine through somehow.

conclusion: you cannot test a person's intelligence simply on their ability to read books. it DOES have a part in intelligence, however it should not be the basis for their smarts. so, next time you hear someone joke or are even serious when they use OVERinformation to describe something... doesn't mean they're intelligent. actually, my opinion: someone who knows all the extreme details of a given subject but is able to communicate only that which is necessary in order to have a successful dialog or accomplish a goal without confusion is a real smarty. a true intellectual should talk in a manner that they can be understood. everytime I watch a movie or *cringe* meet someone in real life that speaks in jargon that they know that no one else will understand to make themselves feel smarter makes me laugh. if they're so smart, why can't they communicate in simple terms or even make the information relevant to the subject at hand?

practical application: just watch people of "intelligence" and have an inner laugh if they can't use their gifts. more importantly, use this ramble as a way to notice these trends in people and perhaps alter your own actions and words.

It popped in my head when I watched a tv show and someone spit out their "IQ number" and I was curious how they got that number. turns out that number doesn't mean too much and isn't what you think it is. now, I find it humorous when someone says their number and it is generally an "oooh, you're smart" reaction. and those who have high IQs usually have the same demeanor and act in a stereotypical manner.
i read that even silly quizzes like "football iq", "sex iq", etc are WAY off on the proper useage. a single number could not measure such a complex thing as intelligence. i asked a few people what they think intelligence is and the majority said, "how much a person knows". I thought so too until I looked it up and pondered about it.

"Intelligence is an umbrella term used to describe a property of the mind that encompasses many related abilities, such as the capacities to reason, to plan, to solve problems, to think abstractly, to comprehend ideas, to use language, and to learn. There are several ways to define intelligence. In some cases, intelligence may include traits such as creativity, personality, character, knowledge, or wisdom. However there is no agreement on which traits define the phenomenon of intelligence agreed upon by a majority across the various concerned disciplines."

...now you know.

Wednesday, September 16, 2009


I want to share something I've recently learned about determination.

I know there are a handful of things I lack. Things that I am thankful that I can say that I have identified and am willing to work to fix. Most people don't find their shortcomings let alone are willing to "fix" them. The common phrase, "that's who I am" comes to mind often used in the wrong context. As in, you are constantly spitting on the ground no matter where your at, no matter how formal the event, no matter who is looking at you. VERSUS, you have a facial "tick" that is unconscious and a maybe physical health problem. Saying "that's who I am" to the former is not going to pass as Okay to your peers or anyone else because, whatever your habits, there is a time and place. Point of this part is to be willing to know what you need and be willing to fix it.
I was recently given a cd about determination. It is a religious cd and, to be honest, I don't care too much for the religious part of it. But I can empty my cup and see the underlying message. It is recorded by Joyce Meyer who happens to be known for having the largest ministry in the world, ran by a woman. Very interesting lady with a troubled upbringing. I knew what I needed to do before I heard this cd and actually it was part of my "steps" to get where I wanted to be. Not that it was a goal to get this particular cd but the overall motivational fuel to get the DETERMINATION level I wanted/needed. You don't need to believe in God/Buddha/Allah to hear the message which is why she is successful. She doesn't preach but more like "speaks". I think this is good for all for our self growth. I will tell you that I have personal big goals that I will take baby steps towards. But my point I want to share with you is that I think you should use this on a smaller personal level as well. Start off with yourself and be determined to improve yourself and your life. I would like to share this CD with you when you get here. It is VERY inspirational. I think more for me because it was the exact subject matter that I was looking for. It might come across as just an interesting and true thing to you but it hit me in the heart.. cuz it was something that I was desperate for. My lack of determination was a major setback for me. I have the ability for so much more but I am not operating at my full potential. NO ONE IS GOING TO COME ALONG AND FLIP A SWITCH! So damnit, I WILL DO IT FOR ME! i may go slow in the beginning just to get my focus points, but I will be running in no time. We all have shit that fucks with us. Why are people who are successful.. successful? Is it cuz they have less shit that stops them? I now believe it is a state of mind and we need to TAKE our goals no matter what. We all feel that we have other obligations. So did they. Some sacrifice everything for their success and some may argue that they are not happier once they've obtained their goals. There are many successes that are truly happy and didn't have to sacrifice their first borns to do it. Once we get it in our head that if that person can do it, then by the stars I can do it too. There will always be people/thoughts of doubt. We need to be stubborn in this area and DISREGARD that info. I am not promising success, but simply attempting to have a better state of mind and have more peace.

Maybe you'll feel like "...meh". but just know that I put my recommendation on it for all of us can learn about something we THINK we know about.

God will not save us. We need to save ourselves.

Love you.

Thursday, July 16, 2009



I was just thinking of some skills I want to learn/brush up on. Maybe you can teach me some that you know and maybe I can teach you some that I know (that you want to learn). Or we can both learn.

I want to learn:
-how to fence (olympic style with a saber so if I ever pick one up you'll be scared)
-how to tie various (useful) knots. this skill is actually a life saver
-how to sail a boat
-how to be a stronger swimmer & scuba dive
-how to drive a motorcycle
-how to drive a stickshift better
-how to rock climb (not as easy as it looks apparently)
-how to throw a variety of bladed weapons
-how to gut a mammal and a fish PROPERLY (you're gonna need to eat so you might as well know how to gut it)
-how to protect a VIP/loved one bodygaurd style. seriously. it's not as simple as you think
-how to kill a man with a coffee cup. not kidding here either
-how to break someone's ribcage with my elbow..... wait I already know that one... um...
-how to cook adobo
-how to PROPERLY cook a steak chef style (apparently I'm supposed to use a temperature gauge??) and anything that is on a grill
-how to navigate in the wilderness with only a compass and a map (aka LANDNAV)
-how to build man traps (you never know)
-how to speak, read, and write in japanese
-how to speak, read, and write in spanish or french or portuguese or italian
-how to build a computer and program software
-how to build a simple cabin. i guess it isn't as simple as I thought
-how to pick a lock
-how to throw a spear... accurately
-how to collect water in the wild
-how to heal various ailments using basic household items
-how to kayak (sp?)
-how to get that neighbor to shut up

Wednesday, June 10, 2009


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Monday, June 1, 2009

Genesis: God lies, "God" is plural, serpent told the truth, ... there are TWO trees!

Is what I wrote in the subject line ... blasphemous?


Sorry to break it to you but.....

(my highlights in italics)

When God[3] began to create heaven and earth, and the earth then was welter and waste and darkness over the deep and God's breath hovering over the waters, God said, 'Let there be light.' and there was light"(Genesis chapter 1:3) [4]; the "firmament" separating "the waters which were under the firmament from the waters which were above the firmament;" dry land and seas and plants and trees which grew fruit with seed; the sun, moon and stars in the firmament; air-breathing sea creatures, fishes and birds; and on the sixth day, "the beasts of the earth according to their kinds." "Then God said, Let us make man in our image ... in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them."[5] On Sabbath, God rests from the task of completing the heavens and the earth: "So God blessed the seventh day and hallowed it, because on it God rested from all his work which he had done in creation."

God forms Adam "from the dust of the ground...and man became a living being."[6] God sets the man in the Garden of Eden and permits him to eat of all the fruit within it, except that of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, "for in the day that you eat of it you shall die." God makes "every beast of the field and every bird of the air, ... and whatever the man called each living creature, that was its name ... but for the man there was not found a helper fit for him." God causes the man to sleep, and makes a woman from one of his ribs, and the man awakes and names his companion Woman, "because she was taken out of Man."[7] "And the man and his wife were both naked, and were not ashamed."[8] The serpent tells the woman that she will not die if she eats the fruit of the tree: "When you eat of it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God,[9] knowing good and evil." So the woman eats and gives to the man who also eats. "Then the eyes of both were opened, and they knew that they were naked; and they sewed fig leaves together and made themselves aprons." God curses the serpent: "upon your belly you shall go, and dust you shall eat all the days of your life;" the woman he punishes with pain in childbirth and with subordination to man: "your desire shall be for your husband, and he shall rule over you;" and the man he punishes with a life of toil: "In the sweat of your face you shall eat bread till you return to the ground." The man names his wife Eve,[10] "because she was the mother of all living". "Behold", says God, "the man has become like one of us, knowing good and evil," and expels the couple from Eden, "lest he put forth his hand and take also of the tree of life, and eat, and live for ever." The gate of Eden is sealed by a cherub and a flaming sword "to guard the way to the tree of life."[11]

1) "Then God said, let us make man in our image"
2) "God... permits him to eat of all the fruit... except that of the Tree of Knowledge"
3) " ... for in the day that you eat of it you shall die"
4) "The serpent tells the woman that she will not die if she eats the fruit of the tree: 'When you eat of it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and evil.' "
5) God proceeds to punish the serpent, Adam, Eve, and kick them all out of the Garden of Eden.
6) God then proclaims how he doesn't want them to touch the tree of life or they will become immortal like THEM."

What is interesting is that this story is a copy of even more ancient texts. They all say the same thing. There are always trees, serpents, and holy land in all religions.

Marinate on that.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

.. dude (part 2)

thanks for the advice.
i sold my soul to this company so I can't leave
if i leave my girlfriend she'll track me down and kill me
i tried to move but i end up here (twilight zone style)
i volunteer teaching karate... i hate kids
i go to work... its a far off place
every time i try to be alone, Glenn is with me!
solitude? I live in a cave, on a rock, in the middle of the ocean!
i spank the monk
i AM a ninja
..that's what that smell is
video games?... OH YEAH!
the judge says i can't draw until 2013
i don't think the internet wants to be "surfed"
consider it checked
...wait, she has a kitty? ...where the fuck is that located?

love ya so mush

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

.. dude

I'm stressed.
make me feel better. I have no one here to cheer me up. [my girlfriend] is stressin
me out and so is work. I'm in a hole right now. It is taking all of my patience and strength to just not lash out at everything and "suffer in silence". I feel my logic failing because people are illogical. I have this thought that somewhere in the world, people would listen/watch my peril and say, " yeah seriously, why is everyone messin with him? he is saying/ doing everything that makes sense but is still losing against retards". But I'm surrounded by said retards so >> I << look like the bad guy when I am showing more patience and sensitivity to others feelings
than that are showing to me. WTF?

check out the website "Fuck-my-life". Of course they spell "fuck" differently but it is just a collection of a few sentences each entry of how someones misfortune is actually quite amusing. It should be able to pick me up but I've been relying on it for a few weeks now and my stresses are becoming too great. just google it and enjoy.

see... even in my misery I'll provide you with a source of humor. Of course I am wallowing in my own misfortune for now. Maybe I should contribute my own story to make it fun for others.

anyways, just complaining. Check out that site.

love me.